Quick Background: I purchased a 48'
Jeanneau Trinidad about a year ago with hopes of establishing a sailing/diving
charter business out South
Florida. I live up North in Wisconsin and unfortunately, did not get down to
Florida as often as I planned. I hoped to run at least one
charter per month, especially during the
winter months. But I got busier than planned with
work up north and only ran about half as many trips. Had an anti-siphon valve go bad and ended up totally rebuilding my
Perkins 4-236 in the
salon. I had her up
for sale since Feb. 1, but big
boats don't seem to sell well with a war going on in a sagging economy. I decided to give it a little time and then sail her up to Lake Michigan if she didn't sell by May 1.
Well the time has come and I'm ready to
head North. I'm interested in any practical knowledge anyone could share other than the basic info contained in the
cruising guides (which I have already purchased). I am planning on taking the outside
passage up to
New York Harbor (weather permitting, of course). Then up the
Hudson to Troy and thru the Erie
Canal to Lake Erie. I will have 3 or 4 crew members for most of the trip and would like to make the trip in as little time as possible. I've been told it can be done in as little as 3-4 weeks.
Any suggestions on routing, good
marinas and where to have the
mast lowered in Troy and raised in Lake Erie? Etc. etc. ...
I apologize for the long post. Thanks.
Cruise Diver