Location: La Ciudad de la Misión Didacus de Alcalá en Alta California, Virreinato de Nueva España
Boat: Cal 20
Posts: 21,621
Re: Calling All Alpa 42 Owners
I would suggest updating your profile with your general location and your boat make & model or “Looking” in the "Boat" category. This info shows up under your UserName in every post in the web view. Many questions are boat and/or location dependent and having these tidbits under your UserName saves answering those questions repeatedly. If you need help setting up your profile then click on this link: https://www.cruisersforum.com/forums...ml#post3308797
I would happily help more if the link above is not enough.
Num Me Vexo?
For all of your celestial navigation questions: https://navlist.net/
A house is but a boat so poorly built and so firmly run aground no one would think to try and refloat it.
Is there a Alpa 42 user manual available somewhere??
I would love to have it.
I just bought a 42 last week and start digging in getting to know each other. The Owner or Servjce manual would be great.
I also have a Seapilot self steering I am not sure what to dl with. It might work but the remote control does not.
What would be a new modern autopilot system, for this boat ?
I can send you a pdf format A42 user manual, tell me where.
My A42 had a Neco pilot, driver motor was ok but the control unit was KO; I use a Raymarine control unit copled with the Neco driver, a technician made the electric adaptation.
Hi @Riguto, @Fabious,
Currently, I'm looking for detailed information about A42 and I'd appreciate it if you could share with me the owner/service manual.
Maybe you can attach it to this forum for future interested people.