back on topic - mparent i can only tell you my experience and it may or may not help - i started sailing in 2000 after i got to old for rock climbing and mountaineering - my sig other and i took
asa sailing courses and bought my first and only boat - a 40'
jeanneau ds40 - in 2003 - a lot of folks told me i had to start small and build - i did not have time to do that nor the finances as boats always depreciate and i would lose
money and not be able to financially get what i wanted - i also opted for a
new boat in that i knew little about rebuilding boats nor did i have the time to do so nor did i want to correct other peoples issues - we spent a lot of time
learning to sail the boat and when i
lost my job at age 60 - in 2005 - decided to quit
work and retire - was not completely ready but did it anyway - it took a while to sell my house but it is gone and i left,
single handed, last may i sailed from
miami to woods hole mass and back - the admiral decided i am having to much fun and quit her job effective end of march and we are outbound again in april -
first - a
new boat breaks less and is a bit easier to maintain - i did break a few things and a few things failed and i repaired along the way -
second - including
insurance it cost me around $1,000 a month last year to
cruise for 7 months - i do have a deal with the insurance to stay out of the
hurricane zone from june 30 to nov 1 but i am ok with that as it was a good shake down cruise for me and will be for the admiral this year as we will eventually head to
maine this year-- there are 3 things that run up costs
staying in marinas
eating out a lot
driniking out a lot
i did none of these as in 7 months i was in a marina a total of 7 days and on moorings 4 days - the rest at anchor - i also ate out very few times and learned to drink less and nurse beers longer at bars -
this year we are planning on $2,000 a month and will have to take more moorings as in
maine we understand that
anchoring sites are almost gone and replaced with
mooring fields
third - take your time to find the right boat - a quality
blue water boat - my dream boat was a caliber 40lrc but finances took me to a
jeanneau 40' and i am very happy with the choice
fourth - it takes a while to provision and get all the stuff on board - took me about a year - not that i worked that hard on it - but i used an outfitting list from pam wall of west
marine in ft lauderdale that she passed out at the
miami boat show a couple of years ago - i thought it was
overboard until i looked at it a couple of days ago and found i have most of the stuff and some stuff she did not put on her list
fifth - keep an inventory of everything and where it is - we did a worksheet and up date it as we make changes
i hope this helps
fair winds and see you out here
chuck patty and svsoulmates
on a
mooring in rickenbacker marina - outbound in 14 days - eastbound