Hello ooitn, Sorry for my late reply. My boat was delivered to Jurong, Singapore in September from Rotterdam by heavy
lift ship transport. I then spent 5 weeks on a swing
mooring at the Changi Sailing Club, Singapore before departing for Melaka, Port Klang, Pangkor Island, Penang and then Langkawi. Today I'm in marina at Langkawi,
Follow your dream! I would encourage you to contact the guys at the Changi Sailing club and list for a crew position. Regular sailing every Saturday. It should not be too difficult to get regular crew ride particuarly if you are prepared to give up a little extra time to help the yacht owner with his general
maintenance issues. This will also give you a chance to learn the ropes,
maintenance issues, and "costs" of boat
ownership. Lots to learn and you may also find a good boat
for sale.
I have found that owning a boat is a full time job. Costs for surprise
repairs are a never ending and a significant drain on the fianances.
Your questions: s/v Jaden is registered in
Australia. Home port
Brisbane. No tax issues with Australian authorities until such time as I decide to take the boat to Australia. Then I will have to pay the Australian
import duty based on the boats value at date of importation - another cost estimated to be AU$40,000+. My plan is to keep s/v Jaden in S.E.
Asia for the next 3-4 years. Marina coast to date are +/-US$15.00/day and marina space is getting harder to find. I'm enjoying the boat and cruising S.E.
Asia but unfortunately may need to go back to
work to replenish the fiances. A reality that was not factored into my
game plan. My wife has suggested I would have saved lots of
money if I had bought
race horse vs. the boat. Unfortunately I have to admit that she could be right.