Hello, I'm brand new to the site and full of questions! I love being on the water but have a whole lot of obstacles ahead of me so I plan to ask a lot of questions and pick your brains for information. But until I find the right thread for posting my questions I'll just say hello.
"I touht I taw a puddy tat a tweepin up on me... I did...!! it is a puddy tat.. sa ginga one I see"....
Hiya... welcome on board
You can't oppress a people for so many decades and have them say.. "I Love You.. ".
"It is better to die standing proud, than to live a lifetime on ones knees.."
Self Defence is no excuse for Genocide...
Hello and welcome to the forum. John makes a great suggestion; you can also consider joining a local yacht club and offering to crew. Regardless, you have come to right site for finding answers to and opinions regarding virtually any newbie questions.
Thank you all for the welcome! Since I joined this site I have been making some good progress. I'm right in the middle of an intro. sailing class right now and after that I'm heading off to New England to sail (and hopefully learn) some more I'm not really great at waiting, so I'm sort of jumping in with both feet!