Originally Posted by WoundedWarrior
I've been drooling for a couple months now. the drool dries though when I get to the bathroom tile.
donut listen to the naysayers like your self....is a good thang!
tiling is for the faint at heart....i did some nice tile jobs with some dirt cheap beautiful tiles i got at 10 cents on the dollar from a supplier who had tons of travertine.....looks beautiful......and as for the other negative naysayers who criticized the pillow cases....the jest jealous!
watch what a beautiful yacht can look like....think....
its not for the faint of heart,you ain't a faint at heart dude,are ya!
but hell ya it looks like sh1t...that 'es wise she is still out for the taking...otherwise it would be
for sale for a million bucks.you got a million bucks,no....neither do we.
ya got to see the future from the present and know where your going to go into the future....hard to explain.
Faith,and love...are what dreams are made to believe.
You know-we dreamed in hell

...and we still here and life is good!
the key to survival is knowing where you are ....and believing you can get to where you know you need to go,no?
PS-iffy ya donut want to re-tile the two...three...four bathrooms?
we run a fast cash -tape and spray in on e day ...works well for 500 a day...
so ...donut worry why the boat looks ugly and cheap...ti's to our betterment,my friend.
Thetas how we are still alive and well and well off.
So let's keep this realistic dream alive for you and me 'cause we can see where we are going from here.