Greetings. I'm new to this forum as of yesterday. Mostly just want to say "greetings" .
I'm actually a landlubber today but after taking an early
retirement I lived aboard and cruised for 15 years. Learned to live on a shoestring so I could do so.
What to do when coming back to land? Why write a book about it all of course. Just published it a few months ago with very favorable response from readers.
That was a whole new
learning experience.
Next is
learning to utilize the
forums and other blogs. I thought I was pretty computer literate for an old lady but the blogosphere is a whole world to explore. Not as much fun as exploring the three oceans I've explored but highly interesting.
Happy to respond to any questions. While my information about
current entrance requirements is out of date I can certainly respond to inquiries about lots of other cruising questions; particularly regarding
single handed cruising as 10 years of my cruising was
single handed
Mary the Antique Sailor