Hello Cruisers!
I've lurked occasionally in your community as a guest, but figured it was about time to register and say hello. I have contributed for years on Sailnet as well under the name "Medsailor."
Me? Why thanks for asking! I'm obsessed with
boats and began this obsession about 15 years ago by
buying a 31ft custom wooden
sloop to live on. I lived on her for about 6 years in
Seattle and cruised (on an absolute shoestring budget) as far as Desolation sound on a 4.5 month trip. I loved that
boat, but now call myself "a recovering wooden
boat owner." Never again.
My wife and I bought a
Formosa 41 together and lived aboard her for 4 years or so in
Seattle and Anacortes WA. We kept her for a couple more years until 2 years ago when the arrival of
kids, and an improved financial situation, caused us to gaze at
boats with more "kid friendly features."
We found the Sparkman and Stephens designed Nauticat 40 to our liking and bought a feature-rich,
ketch rigged specimen from
Florida and shipped her to the
west coast. A long saga ensued which involved
shipping damage, a ruined
engine, over a year in the yard and much
work with
insurance companies.
We're now, 2 years after
buying the boat, hopefully past that part and are looking forward to plying our local waters. We have a an 18 month old boy and a 3.5 year old boy, and we are finding cruising with
kids this age to be very different than before. Much harder so far, but differently rewarding as well.
In 6 years, we want to take about 5 years off and sail down the
west coast of the
USA, down to
mexico for a while, then go circumnavigate
PS My claim to fame is that my Nauticat came built from the factory with a Sauna. Yes, really. I guess in
Finland it's not such a big thing, but here it gives me bragging rights.