Hi I'm Kenton, currently located in Weston, FL, due to move back to CO in a few months.
I'm looking at an opportunity to a (partially) sponsored
circumnavigation, departing about two years from now, so I'm starting to do my due diligence.
I'm 65 yrs. old and in excellent physical condition.
My sailing experience is limited to sailing a Westsail 32 and a 32' Alden Choy Lee in the 70's and early 80's in southern CA. Mid 80s through 90s I owned a Pacific City dory and spent quite a bit of time around the Channel Islands. It also includes a lot of reading due to a lifelong interest in sailing (starting with Voyage of the Dove), so I think have a pretty good general idea of what's required to make this happen successfully.
But... I don't know anyone who has cruised, and am faced with planning everything alone (I will not be single-handing) at this point, "this point" being early in the process.
To develop sailing skills and in
learning how to select a
boat, everything I read suggests sailing on as many
boats as possible in all kinds of
weather. Since I don't know anyone who owns a cruising cat, and am not now connected to the cruising community, this is my opening attempt at doing that.
I'm in Weston FL, right between
Miami and Ft. Lauderdale, and there are cats all over the place, but the vast majority are docked at broker's, at closed
marinas, or behind someone's house on a
boat show">Miami
Boat Show starts in a week, and I'm signed up for all 5 days, but by
posting here, I'm trying to improve my chances of meeting and talking with people with cat cruising experience who might be able to answer some of the many questions I have about planning this type of endeavor.
internet has a lot of information, but a lot of it is old or biased and I don't think
internet research is a good substitute for talking with people who know what they're talking about through direct experience.
Please feel free to
email or call me. I'm also interested in making contacts outside the
boat show.-Kenton
E-mail to kentonatinternachidotorg
Please send PM for
phone number