Hi everyone: I recently moved to Waianae, HI and would like to get back into sailing. I have limited experience cruising coastal waters on the
East Coast. I grew up sailing a Bullseye during summers on Block Island. Later I chartered sailboats in the
Chesapeake Bay and, for five seasons, owned an Edey & Duff Stone Horse.
I would like to buy a sailboat, probably this spring. I want to
live aboard and get to know her. As I become more comfortable with the
boat and her
equipment, I want to start making cruises to the neighbor islands. Eventually, I would like to take extended journeys around the Pacific.
Currently, I am eying a 47 ft custom-built
cutter listed at $95,000. She was built for
blue water and has been cruised extensively over her 35 year life. The
hull is constructed of four layers of yellow cedar strips and appears to be in awesome condition. I know that it would be smarter to buy a good production sailboat but I can't get around the fact that esthetics are a major component of my pleasure and pride of
I welcome ideas and am pleased to be a part of this forum.