Just purchased my second sailboat, a 27'
Lancer. I live on the Indian River and need to understand
mooring regulations on the
ICW around Vero and Sebastian. My 23' Southcoast is at a marina, but I want
to moor my
new boat near my house so I can go out frequently and learn about her idiosyncracies. There are a couple of old
mooring balls in a little side channel off the
ICW. In 2 years, I have only ever seen one sailboat moored (an overnighter), otherwise nada. Am I correct that I can use these moorings ad lib? They are in sight of my dining room window.
I can't locate who the regulators are on this type of thing, and what the local regs might be. Any suggestions?
I've been told by an old Cracker down the road that they are old, old, old and were sunk with a
motor engine or something by someone back in the 50's. Any thoughts? Thanks!