Hi all -
We sail every week on the glorious
San Francisco Bay - the
boat is docked in Pont Richmond so we're out to Angel Island / Raccoon before you know it. From there the possibilties are endless!!
Over the last 3 years we've sailed over 3000 miles (mostly in the bay) on our beautiful 78
Islander 36 "MoonPearL" Occassional trips out the gate to Drake's and Half Moon Bay have my partner Cindy and I dreaming of real cruising down south and off into the wild blue yonder...
We love our
Islander but feel like we need a better cruising
boat, so we are looking for more
displacement and a bit more LWL, along with a good cruising rig and more space to stow the essentials. Maybe a 40+ foot
cutter or
Looking forward to hearing the ups and downs from other cruisers about their
ports, people.....
Every time I go sailing I learn something new or re-learn something old - that's what messing about in
boats is about.
Rich & Cindy
S/V MoonPearl 3I6