Hey there! Nice to meet you all.
So I have reached the point in life where the dream of moving to the
water is starting to become a very probable reality. This does not mean that I am retiring unfortunately, but more that my job allows me the freedom to
work from home. All I need is a decent
internet connection and access to an
It is because of this that i have started my quest for the
liveaboard life.
I am not new to sailing, but at the same time, I am by no means planning a Trans-Atlantic voyage any time soon. I learned to sail on Lake Pleasant, Az on a
MacGregor 22, followed by a
Hunter 26. Both of these were swing
keel models and were perfect for one nighters in a cove plus they were both trailerable. Chasing the bigger is better idea I moved on to a
Catalina 30 MkII which was wetslipped at Lake Pleasent harbor.
The days of stepping the
mast were over!
Based on what I have seen in the forum it looks like I have found a cornucopia of knowledge. I look forward to not only
learning but also contributing to an already awesome community. Although we all know to expect the absurd, because the absurd can quickly become the reality, going in well researched never hurts.
See you all out there