All Threads Aside,
My little Yacht Club
membership has gotten me into clubs around the world, except for Rio de Janeiro, but they did
trade club burgies.
I have recieved free
mooring at the Long Beach YC for two nights, full use of clubs in
Barcelona, Athens,
Grenada, St Maareten and the Cruising Sailors of
I think it is a valuable asset for a cruising sailor, well for me anyway. Sometimes it just nice to put in and enjoy a free
shower and a good meal and good conversation. I always carry a spare club burgey to
trade and start a conversation.
When I return to my home club, once a year, I trade the traded burgies for new club ones and the stories keep going.
Thanks for the question, I have been waffling on
weather to keep my membership or give it up. There's not place like your home club.......even when your away