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Old 08-05-2014, 15:22   #16
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Re: Why is it we are devalued ? We being crew?

Originally Posted by boatman61 View Post
Had one owner that had approached me for a quote.. then opted for a 'Chancer' from the Algarve who dumped him 40miles down the coast and bullied the money out of him before disappearing..
Got the impression he was a still bit bitter about it as we were passing Sardinia when he referred to us Delivery Skippers as "Whore's of the Sea'...
Oh he is just too fussy......
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Old 08-05-2014, 15:27   #17
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Re: Why is it we are devalued ? We being crew?

Originally Posted by bobconnie View Post
My old daddy told me. "If ya think the pays to low for the work, don't take the job!!" Simple !!
Yes it seems simple to me also.

Whining on a forum that crews etc are paid too little when in fact there are people willing to do it means the pay is market price and must be OK.
Don't ask a bunch of unknown forum people if it is OK to do something on YOUR boat. It is your boat, do what you want!
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Old 08-05-2014, 16:49   #18
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Originally Posted by BandB View Post
That insanity always amazes me. If I'm wanting a boat delivered, I'm going to look over credentials, reputation, experience. In the overall scheme of things what I'm paying the delivery captain is so minimum compared to the total situation. Just in using typical means of classifying jobs in pay ranges, a "delivery skipper" is a high risk job where both the skipper and others lives are at risk based on the performance of the skipper. That takes the job way up the scale. Also risk of losing the boat, $1 million - $100 million. I wonder if these same people would have a 14 year old kid move their Maserati across country because it would be cheaper. Will your insurance approve this captain? Bet they don't even ask. Let's need a ring taken to the jewelry store. Don't get a bonded courier. Step out front and hand it to the next person who passes and says they're willing for $5.
But folk don't think like that.. if they feel they can get a bargain they'll go for it..
I'm no Yacht Master.. just a Coastal Skipper but I built my rep delivering boats they walked away from laughing.. and in some case's ran...
The first few years were spent delivering old boats most would not take across the Channel.. never mind across the Biscay.. but every trip was successful with little or no damage and just occasionally a boat would arrive in slightly better condition than when I set off.
Even the bad one's like my Pacific adventure were good for me in the long run..
I used to be 'negotiable'.. but my Oz adventure killed that stone dead...
Its only the last 12mths or so I've started getting 'nice jobs' like new Lagoons etc... and that I put down to blowing my own trumpet on here..
As BVIMatelot posted after my 'Spot' adventure...
'Its all Publicity'..

I'm grateful to the YM's for being so picky..
The Owners for choosing me..

Oh.. and CF for putting up with me..

You can't oppress a people for so many decades and have them say.. "I Love You.. ".
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Old 08-05-2014, 16:51   #19
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Re: Why is it we are devalued ? We being crew?

Originally Posted by boatman61 View Post
But folk don't think like that.. if they feel they can get a bargain they'll go for it..
I'm no Yacht Master.. just a Coastal Skipper but I built my rep delivering boats they walked away from laughing.. and in some case's ran...
The first few years were spent delivering old boats most would not take across the Channel.. never mind across the Biscay.. but every trip was successful with little or no damage and just occasionally a boat would arrive in slightly better condition than when I set off.
Even the bad one's like my Pacific adventure were good for me in the long run..
I used to be 'negotiable'.. but my Oz adventure killed that stone dead...
Its only the last 12mths or so I've started getting 'nice jobs' like new Lagoons etc... and that I put down to blowing my own trumpet on here..
As BVIMatelot posted after my 'Spot' adventure...
'Its all Publicity'..

I'm grateful to the YM's for being so picky..
The Owners for choosing me..

Oh.. and CF for putting up with me..
(we need to discuss the promotion and the photo credits for the lagoon job... either 10% or 5 pints of Guinness... whichever comes first...)
- Never test how deep the water is with both feet -
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Old 08-05-2014, 16:59   #20
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Originally Posted by weavis View Post
(we need to discuss the promotion and the photo credits for the lagoon job... either 10% or 5 pints of Guinness... whichever comes first...)
Next time I stop off in Mallorca I'll give you a shout..

You can't oppress a people for so many decades and have them say.. "I Love You.. ".
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Old 08-05-2014, 17:09   #21
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Re: Why is it we are devalued ? We being crew?

Originally Posted by tomfl View Post
Let me fix that for you.

There are more folks looking for jobs than jobs looking for folks to fill them.
Yes, there are. And that's why it's such a competitive market and the one looking better be on top of their game in every way. Honestly, this is a tough industry, although I don't know of any easy ones today. But if it's not what you really want, what you're ready to sacrifice for, what you're preparing yourself for, then it may not be right for you. When we were taking courses we'd talk to a lot of students and ask why? Many of them had no concept of the industry or jobs and a lot of the reasons led us to believe they had trouble ahead.

It's not an easy life. Very hard to have relationships. Hard work. And then you see those who are excellent, professional, and experienced but are now jobless as in so many other professions. A huge decrease in the number of positions in the industry over the last six years while an increase in those wanting in.
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Old 08-05-2014, 17:16   #22
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Re: Why is it we are devalued ? We being crew?

Originally Posted by boatman61 View Post
Next time I stop off in Mallorca I'll give you a shout..
Great! Ill buy!!
wait... I need to get a handle on this management thing.............
- Never test how deep the water is with both feet -
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Old 08-05-2014, 20:09   #23
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Re: Why is it we are devalued ? We being crew?

Originally Posted by MarkJ View Post
If I was doing a passage and someone wanted to come along to get miles that could be OK.... But they would be paying me for the privilege. Its my boat, my investment and my home.

Otherwise if you want to go sailing buy your own boat.

If its about professional delivery crew then the market hasnt changed for years and I would refer you back to

And if theres no jobs in an industry go back to school and retrain for something else.
Bullcrap. A big set of ta ta's gets them a free ride every time with you. I've read you blog!!

I think another question is why do so may "crew" whine about it? It's a regular posting topic here. Get over yourselves.
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Old 08-05-2014, 20:16   #24
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[QUOTE=Palarran;1536631]Bullcrap. A big set of ta ta's gets them a free ride every time with you. I've read you blog!!QUOTE]


You can't oppress a people for so many decades and have them say.. "I Love You.. ".
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Old 08-05-2014, 21:13   #25
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Re: Why is it we are devalued ? We being crew?

I dont think that the OP is alone in his rant. I'm sure many feel the same way across many trades and professions. I know I have felt that way in my business at one point or another. But the truth is that the market (supply and demand) determines the price much of the time. If you feel you need to make more money, make yourself stand out above your competition (easy to write here on a forum, but much harder to do in real life). If that does not work, change professions to earn the money you are looking to earn.
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Old 08-05-2014, 21:26   #26
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Re: Why is it we are devalued ? We being crew?

Originally Posted by John413 View Post
I've read the crewing posting for needed and wanting, yet crew is treated with so disrespect.
My feeling is that "as potential crew".... you only need to respect yourself and make an informed decision based on what a yacht owner is willing to offer.

This should never be personal!
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