Good comrades come and go in ones life but the best ones the ones that reach deep into your inter
core and touch in ways you thought not possible ...the ones that make a difference in your life are hard to loose.
We sailors of the sea are a bit of a romantic lot even if hidden under a grizzled and hardened lingers still deep within as that is the driving force in which our love for the sea first arose from.
Like sailing on the ocean's waves we learn to plot our way through the crests and troughs of life in much the same manor...our plotted course may have to be altered at some point due to a storm on the horizon or ones that descend on us in the night.
We try to be prepared for all eventualities as best we can..storing up knowledge and practicing ways to steady our ship against those storms and ill tempered waves...the rogues are the ones we dread and cannot predict..prepare for them all you want but seldom will it prove of much good for you are at the mercy of uncontrollable forces and can do little but just hang on and wait for the ensuing turmoil to run its course.
The storms of life like the tide are well we are anchored to solid ground and or the quality and trust in our ship if caught away from a safe port is what will keep us in good is a comforting place to be to trust in something at a high degree of magnitude...but ruin can still come upon us in a moments notice.
As much as I prepare and ready myself for life's storms... for me I have learned my best
anchor is my faith...trusting that if I set my
sails according to his sail plan all things he is working for my my involve may involve heart ache and may even require losses and setback that make no sense at the time....but like the distance horizon we have little knowledge of what lies ahead. you your a positive outcome are all essential to crossing the seas of the world and the wave tossed sea of life.
Loosing part of your fleet be that Son or daughter, wife or husband or any loved one is hard to bear...loosing a comrade is so as well.
Today my
family mourns for not such noble causes ..and surly not so painful of one by any measure either...but morn we do just the same... for this comrade , this horse has been a
family friend and a companion and friend to us all and especially for my eldest daughter for this is her trusted comrade.
A decade is not long enough of a friendship and there are some of you here I hope to have in my life for far longer then that... for touched within I have been by you ..better as a person I have become because of you...and thankful to be considered by some as your comrade.
My daughter has yet to learn the passing of her best friend...thank you for letting me prepare and practice for the rouge she will soon be hit by.
Fair Winds
Your comrade Scott