As humans, depending on belief, we either exist as a capricious product of a capricious
environment, showered by the remnants of the very celestial bodies we steer by, or, we exist at the will and grace of a greater
power, however, every once in a while, the sun is eclipsed by the moon, planets align, and something special happens.
This, is what happened with the case of the two following vessels. Humans, created something that is much more than themselves, the romance of sailing is what seems shape their hulls, their sizes, leave you breathless and what they mean is so much more than their
price tags. I would love to own the originals, or replicas of these.
I could do well with a crew and a replica of "Moonbeam of Fife III" I mean, look at this thing, sure she's a lot of
work but this, is the very
boat that made me look at sailing. Her
sails seem to tell a story of how far the understandings behind leveraging two dynamic forces,
water and
wind, were at during her time, impressive really.
I know the
price tag on this one is a bit bigger, but my goodness, if you really, and I mean REALLY have the
charter this one, she's the Maltese Falcon. Dynarig/Falconrig, rotating masts, and she races. This vessel represents how ingenious we humans can get in order to pursue things of leisure. Perini Navi did an outstanding job.
There is only one problem with owning either of these, I wouldn't be home much.
You don't quite realize now beautiful sailboats are until you pay attention to them, I can safely say that as someone who once preferred motoryachts.