Planning on a nice pot of sumatran coffee and some biscuits. A weekly fire drill and safety meeting. 80 F. and sunny in Onne, Nigeria. Coming to port on Sunday, sailing again on Monday. The fun never ends.
" Wisdom; is your reward for surviving your mistakes"
It's about 8.30 am at Swansea Channel, about 150km (100 miles?) north of Sydney, Aus.
Top today around 22c (71F in your money). Around 10kts expected but nothing so far. Probable thunderstorm this pm ahead of a southerly change, 10-20 ktts this evening.
About to head out for a walk along the channel, heaps of waterbird life... not bad for a currently landbound sea creature.
__________________ One must live the way one thinks, or end up thinking the way one lives - Paul Bourget
Boat: Jon Sayer 1-off 46 ft fract rig sloop strip plank in W Red Cedar
Posts: 21,562
Re: Weekend Coffee & Weather
Originally Posted by VirtualVagabond
It's about 8.30 am at Swansea Channel, about 150km (100 miles?) north of Sydney, Aus.
Top today around 22c (71F in your money). Around 10kts expected but nothing so far. Probable thunderstorm this pm ahead of a southerly change, 10-20 ktts this evening.
About to head out for a walk along the channel, heaps of waterbird life... not bad for a currently landbound sea creature.
G'Day Vic,
Glad to hear that you are getting the wx straightened out, 'cause we'll be back soon. Two days ago we were at 6500 ft in Colorado and it was 15 deg F and snowing. YEch... didn't matter how much coffee I drank, it still sucked!
Jim and Ann s/v Insatiable II, lying Port Cygnet Tasmania once again.
Glad to hear that you are getting the wx straightened out, 'cause we'll be back soon. Two days ago we were at 6500 ft in Colorado and it was 15 deg F and snowing. YEch... didn't matter how much coffee I drank, it still sucked!
Hi Jim,
Not just the wx... we're having the red carpet vaccumed... Queen Betty and Phil the greek have been over here giving it a bit of a pounding over the last 10 days or so. But I didn't think you'd mind. It's still good as 2nd had goes
__________________ One must live the way one thinks, or end up thinking the way one lives - Paul Bourget