Originally Posted by MikeinLA
I think it would be fair to say that most boat owners have made other sacrifices in their consumption patterns in order to allow for the costs of boat ownership. I see a growing willingness in the US to demonize those who seem to have more than others without any regard to HOW they managed it or what sacrifices were made.
I usually read it all before comment but only made it this far.
We didn't go to movies, on flying vacations, or buy new cars (I have paid cash for every one of mine) etc. etc. I now have more
money than those in the same profession and many "at work" know I have a boat - and took a month off. I am looked at askance regularly now.
They just don't know how to save. Too bad for them as we all made the same
money for the last 25 years. (except for the last five - I started a business).
I remember weekend canoe trips where I borrowed or rented the canoe. I looked at those 17' Grummans with awe and envy knowing it would be forever at $2.50/hr before I could ever get one.
Sometimes it embarasses me a little but then I am the one that worked 50 to 60 hrs a week for 20 years and over 340 days a year for the last 5.