11-11-2011, 10:06
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Veterans Day
I have been wondering whether anyone would mention the fact that today the US--and several other countries--are celebrating Veterans Day. As Woodrow Wilson proclaimed in 1919:
"To us in America, the reflections of Armistice [now Veterans] Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country's service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us [then WWI] and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations."
I, for one, am profoundly grateful for the service and sacrifice that our young, and not so young, men and women have made over the years to safeguard our Country and the principals upon which it was founded. I am even more grateful that for a change, the Vets returning from war are being thanked for their service--unlike those of us that served in Viet Nam.
To those of you here that have served, in the US or in your own countries, I Thank You.
"It is not so much for its beauty that the Sea makes a claim upon men's hearts, as for that subtle something, that quality of air, that emanation from the waves, that so wonderfully renews a weary spirit."
11-11-2011, 10:14
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Re: Veterans Day
semper fi
Navigare necesse est, vivere non est necesse
11-11-2011, 13:18
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Re: Veterans Day
Aloha HyLite,
I thank you for that expression of good thoughts. Thanks for your service too. I have been watching the History Channel's Vietnam in HD. They expressed the same sentiments and I'm glad too that today's veterans are not met with the same hostility that I came back to in early '70.
kindest regards,
11-11-2011, 13:34
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Re: Veterans Day
Cuban missile crisis, Dominican blockcade, Viet Nam, Showing the flag world wide.
Just for the Navy. Had a good time.
Military sealift, supported a lot of Navy ships.
Oil fields in the Gulf of Mexico, supported American economy.
Now instructing others on getting their USCG licenses....
11-11-2011, 13:36
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My oldest son served in Iraq in the 2nd conflict. In fact, he turned 21 on the flight over. Very proud of him but just as proud of the Folks back home 4 the support & heroes welcome he got upon his safe return stateside.
Not bitter @ all, but I feel bad/sad many of our nations citizens didn't have the same mindset back in the late 60's & early 70's, and thank god 4 those who did.
Navigare necesse est, vivere non est necesse
11-11-2011, 13:40
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Re: Veterans Day
With all due respect and gratitude- I too thank all the vets who answer the call to fight for us all-as we also have to fight for them in the present day...why are there homeless veteran's in their own home and why don't we give then everything they need when and because they came back home.
We should offer every Vet a ride on our boats so they can try to find some peace.
Me Dad flew a Spit for the whole second world war and me Mom,she is a WWII vet too -whom has ALS and I keep my promise to me Dad to give her anything she wants ,anytime-
they fought the brave war that was fought for the reasons that we should fight-Freedom
unfortunately-IMHO-we fight wars for some reasons I find hard to understand these days.
Biggest war we have to fight today is to get help and support for the Gentleman and Ladies-and some very good doggies-that blindly fought and are now being ignored by the multinational corporations they fought for???
contentious issue...
End of the day...anyone who fights for me...
We need to fight for them too!!!
PS-please don't start a war with Iran,please?
"Allow the president to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such a purpose—and you allow him to make war at pleasure.
~Abraham Lincoln
11-11-2011, 13:54
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Re: Veterans Day
I like to keep today as a special day for myself and all other vets. One little activity I started doing a few years ago was to wear my medals on Veterans Day and Memorial Day as a way of visibly demonstrating how few veterans are around now. When I grew up I was surrounded by veterans in my family and life. Now we are a small minority of U.S. citizens.
It didn't sink all the way - you can still see the mast
11-11-2011, 14:21
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Re: Veterans Day
on a positive note for today...
my Dad said to me
"The only day I have ever cried was when the day the war was over ...
...I telegraphed your Mom and asked her if I could use the money I made and buy my Spitfire for $600 "
what did she say?
"FORGET that god damn spitfire and get home here right now !You are going to go to school and become a civil engineer ,we are going to buy a house and we are going to have some kids and we will teach them to NEVER go to war -ever again!"
May I say-they did well.
Took my Dad flying after I got my ticket with my girlfriend who was afraid to fly both sitting in the back seat in my 172 XP...
after a beautiful flight ,on a beautiful day,came back home and asked Dad what he thought?
His words"ain't no fun with no one shooting at ya!,but your girlfriend is so cute and I loved hanging onto her and comforting her when ya did that rate one turn over Niagara Falls"
I love Veterans Day and everyone else who does too.
and I remember this because my Dad made me memorise it...
"Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding".
~Albert Einstein
He was a wise man too...
11-11-2011, 15:00
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Re: Veterans Day
YEA..Fight the good fight..DVC
11-11-2011, 15:15
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Re: Veterans Day
May I ask my friend-DVC ?
What is the good fight?
I never fought a good fight.
I fought a lot of good fights,won some,lost some,gave up some and regret some.
Excuse my ignorance s an innocent child ,but why the force font and what do you meen?
Yo scare me...
11-11-2011, 15:20
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Re: Veterans Day
A dear departed friend of mine joined the British forces at the age of 16, and was active the whole 14 - 18 war. Would only ever donate to the Salvation Army charity. He said they were the only faith based group with people in the trenches with him.
Couldn't stand the smell of Mustard. I miss him.
so many projects--so little time !!
11-11-2011, 15:40
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Re: Veterans Day
[QUOTE=LoveMyWoodie;816110]May I ask my friend-DVC ?
What is the good fight?
The good fight refers to the Bible, I Timothy 6:12, that says, "Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses."
Also, at the end of his life, in II Timothy 4:7, the Apostle Paul said, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith:"
The phrase is often used to mean, Never give up, keep trying, persevere in the face of great difficulty. That's what we do in the battle against tyranny, whether it be physical persecution or moral decay.
My husband is a veteran, having flown fighters in Viet Nam, and participated in Desert Storm as a chaplain. My father was a veteran of WW II: he actually gave the "green light" for take-off to the Enola Gay. One of my sons-in-law is Commander of 3/8 in the USMC, an active duty veteran of combat. I am more proud of each one of them than I can possibly say, both for their service to their country, and their service to their God.
11-11-2011, 16:08
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Re: Veterans Day
Well thank-you-themas some powerful words and some wise answers and more importantly some powerful family nd i thank you nd i'm glad we are here
Good Day that we are all here and we all believe to live good days forward!
Here Here all of us are here!!!
Everyday we can come to the table and eat and learn to understand and learn to agree.. will be a good day and all the men and woman who have fought will not be done in vain because they knew and they fought nd they died and if they can die they can teach us to talk and not to die?
God bless all of them,all of us ,and everyone else who fights and believes what they believe in too /
Hopefully peace and hope and food for all
End of the day -I would like to ask the man whom is dead what he thinks...
cause he died and we dont know,yet...what we ask untill we die?
11-11-2011, 16:20
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Re: Veterans Day
Making Mom her favorite dinner tonight as I always do ,and as I deliver her her seafood and marina she says while watching the evening news...
"WHERE the hell are they everyday??? we did what they will never know and we are old and they don't have any +++++ idea what war was and who the hell do thay think they are with all the ++++ i have to listen to everyday on that +++++TV.
Mom-we are eating well and no one is shooting at us and let have another drink for Dad?
Yep-he is a good man ...where is your father?
He is still my Father and he still a good man and He is my father and he was my hero and always will be
But at the end of today we still love him nd we still miss him and s my mom says "where is he?"
11-11-2011, 16:57
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Re: Veterans Day
Originally Posted by Blue Stocking
A dear departed friend of mine joined the British forces at the age of 16, and was active the whole 14 - 18 war. Would only ever donate to the Salvation Army charity. He said they were the only faith based group with people in the trenches with him.
Couldn't stand the smell of Mustard. I miss him.
I give to the Sally Ann too,because they gave me Dad a little warm rum in his tea when he scrabbled at 4 am to go the distance...
"I am an Attack Pilot.
I will do my utmost to impress those around me that single-handily I almost destroyed the Than Hoar bridge.
When amongst other pilots, I promise to use such terms as Rock-eye, Shrike, Walleye, and if ladies are present, shall occasionally in a solemn, but nonetheless casual manner, say "Nuke".
I shall always approach the bar whenever crowded and loudly state that although I may never be able to win a hassle, no one will ever get a shot at me.
I shall never give succor or carry on long conversations with civilians, old ladies, or fighter pilots.
When a fighter pilot approaches my table, I promise to chug my drink, eat my glass, and while his back is turned, tell my date that he has VD.
I promise never to let other pilots forget that off the Cat I must descend to cruising altitude, that I can attack Russia undetected and that I have more Air Medals than I care to mention.
Whenever in the presence of fighter pilots I shall scoff at night carrier landings and fuel conservation.
After every bombing mission I promise to confirm my wing man's secondaries and to swear that a span was dropped. If Sam's were fired I shall debrief that it was not necessary for the fighters to break because the missiles were obviously unguided. Upon return to the ship I will make every effort to enter the break ahead of a section of fighters, and dump fuel all the way to the 180.
While taxiing clear of the gear I promise to casually place my right arm on the canopy railing and frequently use my left to wave at pilots walking to the island.
With these objectives in mind I shall terrorize the bars of WESTPAC and one day, just for the hell of it, I'll split from 50,000 feet and go supersonic."
Author unknown
what the hell do I know -I never fought in a war-I just try to fight to keep the pace....
excuse the spelling,was speaking from moralizing that me Dad taught me cause he fought the wars we hopefully wont have to fight anymore ...
Lest we forget!
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