I noted in one
posting that a wine cask bladder is very useful as an airbag in
storage areas to prevent items crashing around, size adjustable by how much air you blow in. I like that!
We use them blown up with a piece of string or
fishing line attached and a rock tied as an
anchor to mark tricky sandbars/channels/escape routes etc. We go at low tide in our
dinghy and set a number up as leads in so when the tide rises we simply follow the marks.
At night the silver coating reflects beautifully, when we leave we pick them up with our boathook to be re-used another day.......
Works for us.
Another use is to fill with
water and freeze down, they serve two purposes this way A nice
freezer brick for your esky and one that you can drink on a hot day.
Its far better for your
freezer to have space filled with these than be empty...
Any other ideas? Frank&Viv..