Originally Posted by Tetepare
I'm not talking about a bigger boat, or moving from a monhull to a cat. I'm talking about that boat or style that catches your eye. You know, the genre that doesn't really fit, but damn it would be a blast. If you were suddenly filthy rich you'd buy one.
For decades I've told myself that when gas (in USA) hit $5/gallon I would buy myself a Cigarette boat- after all, it would be a cheap buy then. I occasionally search YW for the very old Cigarettes, sigh, and move on.
But my real hidden desire is the former USCG 44' MLB. I like rough weather- as my friends know, Small Craft Warnings means "let's go sailing!" I dream of strapping a few buddies into a 44 MLB and heading out when not even USCG wants to go out.
Yes, they are available. And, I could probably afford one. But I'm not going to do it. I don't need another project. But I can only imagine how much fun I could have...
Anyone else have a hidden favorite that makes no sense and won't be procured, but is always on your mind?
You betcha ! However I'd have to start back in the pre-adolescent years and my memory has faded. Pouring over the many
boating magazine subscriptions. Stacks and stacks of brochures, remember those postcards in the magazine issues that you could check off the "more info" box. They were all mostly
wood being
plywood, clinker, carvel, double diagonal and so on.
Every month it was another dreamboat. Had to finally resolve myself that I'd be happy floating along in an innertube.
Just to be on the