For the last 6 years we have been about half way along Bradleys
Head and about 300 meters off shore, Athol Bay. Last year we considered trying somewhere different but ended up back where we had always been happy. This year we again have been considering a different vantage point but I note is predicting NNE Winds of about 15 Knots so it might be Athol Bay again to take advantage of the
wind shadow. I guess we'll make our final decision on the morning of New Years Eve when the
weather prediction is a bit more reliable. We are leaving for a few days on the harbour tomorrow (tuesday) and will most likely spend our first night in Balls
Head Bay next to Berry Island and the next night possibly at Store Beach or the old Quarrantine Station, in that vicinity anyway, but again it all depends on the
wind gods and She Who MUST Be Obeyed (the admiral).