I have been trying to log into SSCA.Org, and I keep getting a warning it is an unsafe sight, and might harm my computer. Anyone else getting the same warning, or did the Anti-Cruisers in Florida hack the sight?
Some were/are getting warnings from their antivirus. The SSCA site was hijacked by a Russian Malware site that can introduce a Trojan into your system; others are just denied the connection. Some are probably working for the Russians by now if they don't have AVs. You can read a little more at http://cruising.sailboatowners.com/c...-board-hacked/ . And there is now a simple notice on the board instead.
There was a notice sent out that the crackers got through again.
The warning presumably means that malware was installed. If you click on the 'info' or 'more info' button in Firefox they give some idea of what testing was done and how the admins can have their site certified safe again.