Here's the story; I bough a 33'hinter from a guy. We exchanged
money at the DMV in
Jacksonville Florida. The dmv lady told me that I can change the title to me or go to the coast guard and register it there federally. So I decided to do the Oast Guard
registration later. We spoke hands and left. 5 years later I still haven't registered the
boat and we moved and I
lost all the paperwork the previous owner gave me and I can't get in touch with the guy. Phones disconnected, doesn't live at the addresses on file. So am I stuck with a
boat that I can't register? It would seem to me there has to be a way to straighten it out? The guy was the legit owner. When at DMV Imsaw his
license and paperwork and the dmv lady said it was al legit. Now
Florida has no
record of the
hull numbers now what?
And lawyers or anyone been in this situation?
I know I should have registered it right away.