Originally Posted by unbusted67
I think Christen is the wrong word too, maybe anoint would be more fitting seeing that we are heathens.
Maybe you are Heathens, but what religion is the boat?
If you feel the need, just make something up that gives you comfort.
Short of ideas? Borrow from those who been down this road before (Google is your freind), and add your own twist(s)
But whatever you come up with and decide is right, remember that you are following in a long line of seafarers and land dwellers appeasing whatever they thought lay hid under the
bed / berth at 3am. A million stone age peasants can't be wrong - after all, they
also invented the
Wheel. and the IPOD
If you come up with something that proves popular to others could be real a
money spinner
Even if just yet a variation of the same old same old