A simple plan...
head off on Friday afternoon... a 16 mile run down to my mate's 'bach' on Isla Puluqui and back to Pto Montt on Sunday.
A bonzer weekend was had by all... we even had a sail up and drawing for about an hour on the way north.
We did have a bit of fun on the way down. A later departure -1600 - than planned and with sunset at 1730 meant that the last hour and a half would be in the dark but no probs there... the run in through the chorito ( mussel ) farms would be 'up moon' and the moon was almost full.
Unfortunately no plan survives first contact .... with
And so it was with about 2 miles yet to run and us still on the outside of the chorito farms. First the lights of Calbuco vanished, then the lights of the
fishing boat a mile ahead vanished ... we felt our way onwards with vis down to a few hundred metres... a whistle.... a white light ahead... a call of 'caballero..caballero!' from out of the murk. Then we found we had run up a bit of a blind gulch... reversed our course and tried again further out. Found another gap and soon came up with a local workboat with a
rope around its prop being slowly rowed home. Offered them a tow which they declined.
Now the
depth is down to 4 metres and the blackness of the land is close ahead. Right hand down a bit and thirty minutes later we are entertaining Simon, our 6 year old grumete, with 'Chicken Run' while I knock up some beef stew.
The rest of the team arrived on Saturday afternoon, we had an asado at the bach that night and a pleasant run home today... Sunday.
So that was it.... another weekend in the life of Ping.
The pics.... a view towards the entrance of the caleta... we entered inside the chorito buoys around the right hand headland. Due to the 'marea roja' the shellfish industry is currently shut down so where you once had a line of buoys you now often find this situation as the buoys and associated kit have been lifted for
And finally, a view of V. Orsorno and V. Calbuco on the way home. And yes that is a black dog under the
dodger... 'Manchita'.