In November 2008, paid over £200 for 3 year subscription to PBO. In short order I received a copy of the January cover issue. Since then as at 24th february 2009 nothing!
email got automated answers the replacement copies would be sent within 21 days but, of course , nothing arrived. Two telephone calls have resulted in the same lack of action with the exception of offering me an extension of subscription which , given the pathetic lack of
service is unacceptable, in any case I particularly wanted the February issue. The phones seem to be manned by some
remote call centre who aren't in direct touch with IPC. I now wait, as I was requested to do, until mid march when the failure to deliver 3 issues apparently is supposed to trigger some action from IPC subscriptions.
It's not rocket science, since I got the first copy, they have my address.
I strongly regret taking out a long term subscription and would like to advise others of the lack of response they can expect from IPC once they have your
Surely taking my
money and not providing the goods is to say the least " sharp practice"