Now that's cruising!
In a similiar vein (sort of), is it
solar power if it doesn't go anywhere? I've been plugging away at my
solar installation, dutifully installing the CF approved
MPPT controller, the circuit breakers, the
wiring, the cute litle stanchions that the rails mount on so the
panels have a lovely home on my
deck, the
deck organizer so I can move the main sheet and topping
lift so the
panels fit and voila! I forgot the little connector thingies so I can't attach the wires to the panels. So there it I am I looking at my shiny new bling thinking boy I bet it's producing all kinds of lovely solars but it's like the
refrigerator light. How do you know if it stays on when you close the door? Oh well, tomorrows another day and another opportunity for life to present it's little ironies. Oh yeah I can pick up the connectors then too.