I have been reading a lot of blogs. One blog i was reading the people want out of sailing(ill leave it at that incase they are forum members) with the mishaps the "captain" blames on others.
Most of the blog is welll lets have a
beer or go out to dinner and bitching about
weather windows,
marinas ect. It is no wonder they pretty much have gone nowhere.
After reading about 10 pages not one was positive or not filled with profanities.
Boat maintenance =
rum ect and a lot of complaining, from the blog they eat out at restaurants.
They have hoisted more beer than
sails from what i can tell.
The blog starts out like all others, this great adventure and quickly decends into drunken thoughts of a barstool genius. Im sure the next port is a bottle of wine.
Sailing for the most part is glorified camping, it is the most expencive way to travel third class, no matter how nice the
you still have to clean it, maintain the systems, track,
fuel and every little thing and when all is perfect expect some delay.
maintenance schedule seem to be, you guessed it......when it breaks.
I apologise for typos and the rest but this is how much i can see on my
phone when typing.