I met this precious
family while sailing 8 years ago off
Nicaragua. They are 4 generations of mostly
women who are in dire need of
income in order to eat. I have been sending them
food money for a while but the old adage:
Give a man a fish you've fed him for a day, but teach a man to fish, you've fed him for life.....is telling me that now they need to be self-sustaining. The easiest way is for them to use a 4 door toyota corolla or
honda civic as a taxi in order to generate
income. I am trying to find someone of some company or charitable organization to donate a 2000 yr or newer to this great cause. The income generated will feed this
family of 15.....all
women but for 1 small boy. Does anybody have any ideas or channels that I haven't thought of?? I would then drive this vehicle to
Nicaragua and give them a means of feeding themselves. FYI: It is very, very rare to find a woman driving in Nicaragua.