A number of years ago, I was playing in a semi pro volleyball tourney at a ... well let us call it a
clothing optional resort in
Florida near the coast... NOTE: I SAID A NUMBER OF YEARS ago.... 25 maybe???
The resort had a nice lake, several acres and about 4 to 8 foot deep with sandy beaches, where people swam and could row and sail dingy's around when the sea breeze kicked in.
One AM when everyone started fixing coffee, we noticed the lake was gone.... nothing but a mud bowl.. with a few dead
fish in small pools. It was rather thick mud but a couple of people walked out into the center (not a grand idea) and saw a large round hole about 3 feet round and 15 feet deep. We all thought that was rather odd and some one had called someone and soon news truck and all sorts of reporters and police were all over the place including some from the
Fish and
Game department.
They had determined the lake was a former Sink Hole and a "plug" had apparently fallen out of the bottom into the underground caves and aquifer. It must have looked a lot like a
toilet flushing during the night when that
plug dropped out. Just wonder what would have occurred if it had happened in the day when people were swimming and
boating in the area... who knows... a
small boat may have plugged it up.
After several months we were told the owners had the hole filled and the normal rains and small creeks feeding the former lake actually returned it to its former size... not sure I would want to take a skinny dip at night in it... the alligators were one thing but getting flushed would be my major concern!!