Originally Posted by rebel heart
So what you're saying is that I should be directing all my HAM questions towards you then, eh?
I'll start with this one then if you don't mind. So the m700pro I bought has these frequencies as listed for transmitting:
1.6 - 2.9999 MHz
4.0 - 4.9999 MHz
6.0 - 6.9999 MHz
8.0 - 8.9999 MHz
12.0 - 13.9999 MHz
16.0 - 17.9999 MHz
18.0 - 19.9999 MHz
22.0 - 22.9999 MHz
25.- 27.5000 MHz
I know (I think?) that's not the full HAM spectrum but how do you think I'll fair armed with this. I'm hoping that for the tuner, radio, antenna, and all the other jazz I can squeak in under 2k.
The HAM spectrum in the very beginning was every frequency. As the early hams proved a certain frequency viable, our respective governments would take that frequency. Not to worry, even today, if you total up all government and
commercial frequencies it would still be less than what hams still have in the LF, MF, HF,
VHF, UHF, SHF and above.
160 Meters
General, Advanced, Amateur Extra licensees:
1.800-2.000 MHz: CW,
Phone, Image, RTTY/Data
80 Meters
Novice and Technician
3.525-3.600 MHz: CW Only
General class:
3.525-3.600 MHz: CW, RTTY/Data
3.800-4.000 MHz: CW,
Phone, Image
Advanced class:
3.525-3.600 MHz: CW, RTTY/Data
3.700-4.000 MHz: CW, Phone, Image
Amateur Extra class:
3.500-3.600 MHz: CW, RTTY/Data
3.600-4.000 MHz: CW, Phone, Image
40 Meters
Novice and Technician
7.025-7.125 MHz : CW only
General class:
7.025-7.125 MHz : CW, RTTY/Data
7.175-7.300 MHz:: CW, Phone, Image
Advanced class:
7.025-7.125 MHz : CW, RTTY/Data
7.125-7.300 MHz:: CW, Phone, Image
Amateur Extra class:
7.000-7.125 MHz : CW, RTTY/Data
7.125-7.300 MHz:: CW, Phone, Image
Note:Phone and Image modes are permitted between 7.075 and 7.100 MHz for FCC licensed stations in ITU Regions 1 and 3 and by FCC licensed stations in ITU Region 2 West of 130 degrees West longitude or South of 20 degrees North latitude. See Sections 97.305(c) and 97.307(f)(11). Novice and Technician licensees outside ITU Region 2 may use CW only between 7.025 and 7.075 MHz and between 7.100 and 7.125 MHz. 7.200 to 7.300 MHz is not available outside ITU Region 2. See Section 97.301(e). These exemptions do not apply to stations in the continental US.
30 Meters
power, 200 watts PEP. Amateurs must avoid
interference to the fixed
service outside the US.
General, Advanced, Amateur Extra classes:
10.100-10.150 MHz: CW, RTTY/Data
20 Meters
General class:
14.025 -14.150 MHz CW, RTTY/Data
14.225 -14.350 MHz: CW, Phone, Image
Advanced class:
14.025 -14.150 MHz CW, RTTY/Data
14.175 -14.350 MHz: CW, Phone, Image
Amateur Extra class:
14.000 - 14.150 MHz CW, RTTY/Data
14.150 -14.350 MHz: CW, Phone, Image
17 Meters
General, Advanced, Amateur Extra classes:
18.068-18.110 MHz: CW, RTTY/Data
18.110-18.168 MHz: CW, Phone, Image
15 Meters
Novice and Technician classes:
21.025-21.200 MHz: CW Only
General class:
21.025-21.200 MHz: CW, RTTY/Data
21.275-21.450 MHz: CW, Phone, Image
Advanced class:
21.025-21.200 MHz: CW, RTTY/Data
21.225-21.450 MHz: CW, Phone, Image
Amateur Extra class:
21.000-21.200 MHz: CW, RTTY/Data
21.200-21.450 MHz: CW, Phone, Image
12 Meters
General, Advanced, Amateur Extra classes:
24.890-24.930 MHz: CW, RTTY/Data
24.930-24.990 MHz: CW, Phone, Image
10 Meters
Novice and Technician classes:
28.000-28.300 MHz: CW, RTTY/Data--Maximum
power 200 watts PEP
28.300-28.500 MHz: CW, Phone--Maximum power 200 watts PEP
General, Advanced, Amateur Extra classes:
28.000-28.300 MHz: CW, RTTY/Data
28.300-29.700 MHz: CW, Phone, Image
6 Meters
All Amateurs except Novices:
50.0-50.1 MHz: CW Only
50.1-54.0 MHz: CW, Phone, Image, MCW, RTTY/Data
2 Meters
All Amateurs except Novices:
144.0-144.1 MHz: CW Only
144.1-148.0 MHz: CW, Phone, Image, MCW, RTTY/Data
Maritime Mobile nets for cruisers are held on 20, 40, and 75 meter phone and I'll dig up times and frequencies for you.
If while on the hook or in the marina, if you want THE strongest signal and don't mind spending 5 minutes after making landfall for that type of signal, I'll tell you how to build and use the antenna that gave me the strongest signal in every anchorage.