Yuri Shvidky [51], an Israeli sailor detained by Russia in Black Sea
A merchant sailor with Israeli and Ukrainian citizenship had been detained by Russian authorities on Monday, along with his crewmates and ship, the Foreign Ministry said on Friday.
The 50-year-old seaman was released on Tuesday along with the rest of the crew of the “Princess Nicole”, a Ukrainian bulk carrier, sailing for Constanta, Romania.
Shipping Center warned on Wednesday that there was "a high risk of collateral damage on civilian
shipping in the northwestern part of the Black Sea," which included mines.
"There are several open-source reports of civilian ships being hit directly or indirectly as a result of the acts of war in the northwestern Black Sea within Ukrainian territorial waters and adjacent international waters," NATO said. "Civilian shipping is encouraged to exercise caution and be on high alert in the area."
More ➥ https://www.jpost.com/international/article-699348
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