Sounds like things are slow and tough. They have been though this before and I would expect them to find some investment
money to get though this 1 just like all the others:
Luhrs Marine Group stops production
Posted on 09 February 2012
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Luhrs Marine Group - the
builder of Silverton, Luhrs, Mainship and Ovation
boats - went into shutdown mode beginning Monday, the company confirmed to Soundings
Trade Only.
The Millville, N.J.-based company said in a message to its dealers that it would shut down production for 60 to 90 days to allow boat orders to accumulate in its pipeline.
“As everyone will agree, we have all been affected in some way or another by these hard economic times the past three years,” the company said. “We have fought hard to avoid this decision, but it is the best solution to the
current state of affairs.”
The company told its dealers, “We hope you will continue to promote our products and keep in touch with our sales team so that with your help we can again start producing the excellent products of the
Luhrs Marine Group.”
The shutdown does not impact Florida-based Hunter Marine Corp., which is still in production.