Originally Posted by Stillraining
Please people.... this thread is more meant as a chance to what motivates you to dream ,work hard and struggle of getting out there in paradise or stay there!...Yes some are fortunate to live in it now and we want to see that view you wake up to...or some of us have a sliver of a glimpse of a different sort of paradise in the minds of others but this is supposed to be a fun way of just letting yourself get artistic with a camera and show us that sliver of your world.
There must be something that caused you to decide" This is the Place we want to live"..Maybe that was just cheap rent for right now..that's cool..so what do you look out your windows that ticks you off and drives you to this Forum to talk about boats, living on boats or escaping on a boat.
Interesting thread and premise Stillraining, but I think with a basic flaw.
Paradise can mean so many things to so many different people, but for a cruiser, I believe the prime ingredient is that the view
I do live in the stereotypical paradise of tropical
weather, sandy beaches, loving companionship and fresh
Life is simple, I do not need to commute and I thought I had realized my “Dream”…. until the itch to see what is around the corner guided me to Star Gazer.
I think this gives me the context to really appreciate what I have and the inspiration to reach for what I may not be able to achieve, without feeling like some kind of failure.
As far as pictures:
First: …one is sunrise from my balcony
Second: … you can see I tried to drop the anchor….
Third: …. Sunset and a new place on Star Gazer..
Fourth: ….These
anchorages always inspire me to seek others
So my point is, that life's dreams are not static, but dynamic made up from a measure of your own sense of accomplishments and a curiosity that hopefully never dies.
I like being a Drifter