Saw this opinion regards Global Warming and its derivatives!.....
Like many scams, this issue is based on a modicum of truth, then massaged and manipulated into something designed to frighten the crap out of the populace, empower politicians and of course make a lot of
money for its promoters, governments, ‘the science’ and those on side.
The real question is not if climate change is occurring or if mankind is causing global warming because climate change is real and has been happening for billions of years and of course we are warming the planet. You can't create so much heat etc., without causing some temperature rise. (Go piddle in the ocean and the ocean will be warmer, but not much!)
The questions are:
( A ) By how much has
mankind contributed to climate change or warming?.... No one seems to have any indisputable answer. Interestingly the carbon dioxide levels (now about 400ppm) have been much higher in the past, pre SUV days!!
( B ) What are the pros and cons of any temperature change.... Most science agree that warmer is far less harmful than
( C ) Can we do anything about it.... Very little.
( D ) And if so what is the cost.... Huge and guess who the big beneficiaries are, starting with Al.
( E ) Is it all worth trying to change the climate and creating all this fear about it. Definitely not, unless you're a 'Climate scientist on the receiving end' I mean, pop into the barbers shop and ask him if you need a haircut.. odds are he will say YES!
( F ) Who will suffer the most with efforts to reduce carbon dioxide? Again it will be the poor specially in developing countries.
Some things to consider:
You can cherry pick articles and links to justify any way you need to go on this subject but at the end of the day best to forget that and use some common sense and logic: (Rare as it is these days!)
Remember that the science was solid behind the following:
* The ‘discovery’ of a massive hole in the Ozone layer. Great cost to humanity trying to overcome that until it is proven that the holes are normal, always were there and naturally expand and
contract seasonally. (Whoops, no
money here let’s look for something else)
* In 1976 the scare was the start of global cooling! ( A few years later...Damn it, the joints getting warmer again, better drop that one...
* The millennium bug. Remember this little pearler. Planes will drop out of the sky, hospitals will shut down, riots in the streets, yada yada yada... What happed.. 4/5ths of bugger all except that an estimated $600 BILLION was scammed with this one.
And who got those dollars? Not me or you Gunga Din! (How many 100’s of hospitals, millions
kids vaccinated / fed, etc with the billions these thieving scamming bastards got away with?)
* About the same time the grand daddy of them all was hatched, AGW. Global warming. This was going to be easy cos the temperature had been on a slight increase over the past few decades (ironically similar to rises earlier in the century but don't mention those!) A lot of predictions were made (most since proven wrong in time), governments throwing billions at 'the science' and carbon schemes.
Yes they were going to save the planet, just keep the money flowing and we will tell you what you want to hear. But bugger me that damned temperature increase stopped so an adjustment is needed, a new theme.. climate change is born. (Or should we say born-again cos after all this whole crap has become a religion!)
The point of all this?
Yes there is slight global warming but nothing like the promoters claim, (with virtually none of the science’s predicted rise over the past 20 years) and the climate has been changing since before our time so get over it.
And why won't any of the big shot promoters like Al Gore debate Lord Monckton? Because they know he will make them and their theories look stupid and they don’t want to bugger up their bottom line.
Wake up folks, this is one giant beat up. While based on a modicum of truth, it is powered along by the need for more
power and much more money! A very clever scam!