Originally Posted by transmitterdan
You cannot delete the history stored in the cloud. That’s the problem.
The cloud contains a lot more than your browsing history. If you own a phone they know where you have been every minute the phone is on. Usually with precise Gps coordinates. They know how many calls you made yesterday and how many the same day 5 years ago. They know how many times you scanned your Facebook/Twitter/you name it app. They know enough from what is tracked in the cloud to find your location this very minute.
Not quite, alsonthe cloud is just a fancy word for a server.
On most phones you can make it so your browser doesn’t have permissions to send location data.
Then you have geohook and stuff like this
Where there is a database of IP addresses and where they are located,
google does some of this with their maps cars, in the old days we called it wardriving.
This can be overcome by using a VPN, which is also good for many other
security reasons.
Ofcourse also clear your cookies and such on exit, and don’t be cross logged in, and be mindful of what services you’re logged into, if you’re logged into your
google calendar don’t think any search on any google product or YouTube is going to be private and not linked to every IP address and everything on your calendar regardless of what google says. This can be fixed to a degree with using a different browser
Also counter intelligence is a good idea, I prefer to set my locations on lots of services to a location I’ve never even been to.