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Old 09-01-2020, 12:11   #106
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Re: gun ads on CF??

Jimmy Fallon showed some screen grabs of this issue. One was an ad for Dairy Queen Blizzards next to a weight loss product ad and the other was a come visit Florida ad next to a story about sharks,on Florida beaches. Finding most advertising annoying and it's placement in the form of pop-ups in the middle of articles, blogs, news stories and YouTube videos even more annoying. I guess some people must run out and buy as a result of these ads. I would rather discover a need and then go find it on a search engine. Sadly I get ads popping up for things I already bought and every thing I shopped for. Time to delete ALL the browsing history.
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Old 09-01-2020, 12:28   #107
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Re: gun ads on CF??

Originally Posted by skipper53 View Post
Sadly I get ads popping up for things I already bought and every thing I shopped for. Time to delete ALL the browsing history.
You cannot delete the history stored in the cloud. That’s the problem.

The cloud contains a lot more than your browsing history. If you own a phone they know where you have been every minute the phone is on. Usually with precise Gps coordinates. They know how many calls you made yesterday and how many the same day 5 years ago. They know how many times you scanned your Facebook/Twitter/you name it app. They know enough from what is tracked in the cloud to find your location this very minute.
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Old 09-01-2020, 12:38   #108
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Re: gun ads on CF??

Originally Posted by transmitterdan View Post
You cannot delete the history stored in the cloud. That’s the problem.

The cloud contains a lot more than your browsing history. If you own a phone they know where you have been every minute the phone is on. Usually with precise Gps coordinates. They know how many calls you made yesterday and how many the same day 5 years ago. They know how many times you scanned your Facebook/Twitter/you name it app. They know enough from what is tracked in the cloud to find your location this very minute.

Not quite, alsonthe cloud is just a fancy word for a server.

On most phones you can make it so your browser doesn’t have permissions to send location data.

Then you have geohook and stuff like this

Where there is a database of IP addresses and where they are located, google does some of this with their maps cars, in the old days we called it wardriving.

This can be overcome by using a VPN, which is also good for many other security reasons.

Ofcourse also clear your cookies and such on exit, and don’t be cross logged in, and be mindful of what services you’re logged into, if you’re logged into your google calendar don’t think any search on any google product or YouTube is going to be private and not linked to every IP address and everything on your calendar regardless of what google says. This can be fixed to a degree with using a different browser

Also counter intelligence is a good idea, I prefer to set my locations on lots of services to a location I’ve never even been to.
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Old 09-01-2020, 12:48   #109
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Re: gun ads on CF??

10 year-old article:
"Compressed sensing was discovered by chance. In February 2004, Emmanuel Candès was messing around on his computer...experimenting with a badly corrupted version of the phantom [image] meant to simulate the noisy, fuzzy images you get when an MRI isn’t given enough time to complete...
Candès thought a mathematical technique called l1 minimization might help clean up the streaks a bit. He pressed a key and the algorithm went to work. Candès expected the phantom on his screen to get slightly cleaner. But then suddenly he saw it sharply defined and perfect in every detail — rendered, as though by magic, from the incomplete data. Weird, he thought. Impossible, in fact. “It was as if you gave me the first three digits of a 10-digit bank account number — and then I was able to guess the next seven,” he says. He tried rerunning the experiment on different kinds of phantom images; they resolved perfectly every time.
...That was the beginning of compressed sensing, or CS, the paradigm-busting field in mathematics that’s reshaping the way people work with large data sets..."

Simple quantum computing example:

Large data sets are not necessary. Internet privacy etc concerns aside, people who play on the stock market have no clue what they're up against, saying nothing to how this should be expected to change finance markets in the long term, etc, etc.
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Old 09-01-2020, 12:59   #110
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Re: gun ads on CF??

All the ads I get on CF are for power and propulsion. Neither have I discussed. Yet. Trying to find time to post a propulsion don’t suppose they’re so smart now that they know what I’m going to do in the future?

And I don’t get the gun ads. I’ve posted about guns, but no ads. Lemme try something. Pistol rifle ammo bullet shoot protection 2A shotgun duck hunting s&w FAL is better than G3 ruger M1 concealed carry carbine k98 12ga 303 308 9mm 45

Ok. Lemme see if I get those gun ads so I don’t blow my money on solar.
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Old 28-02-2020, 04:06   #111
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Re: gun ads on CF??

TIL there are still people who don't use ad blockers.
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