Furthermore, the title of the this forum is '
Scuttlebutt > Flotsam & Sailing Miscellany' which is where topics that are tangential to but nevertheless loosely related to sailing reside. Daylight saving time is such a topic. We now have over 100 contributions to the topic and as with any ongoing long conversations, the general talk eddies around the subject and moves to and fro as the contributors see fit. Just like the words scuttlebutt, flotsam and miscellany suggest.
No one forces any user to read it and like a pub bar conversation, if it doesn't interest you or triggers some negative feeling, the smart thing is to move on and talk with someone else. CF is a big room with lots of other interesting sailing conversations, there is plenty of space for all. The alternative can result in a bar room brawl and this will end in tears, as cruisers and especially here in CF, we avoid unseemly and fisticuffs behaviour.
It fair enough to ask the question 'what does this have to do with sailing' once (or even twice in a more serious forum) but to continue to ask the same question over and over is not good form in polite conversations.
To that end, CF has a section in the Community Rules that forbids trolling -
Trolling and cyberstalking are NOT allowed and are grounds for account restriction or banishment. Trolling on this board includes posting controversial and often irrelevant or off-topic messages with the intention of (or anticipated result of) baiting other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal, harmonious on-topic discussion, especially when a pattern of such posting is apparent.