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Old 26-04-2011, 20:58   #1
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Lightbulb Cruising Caribbean on a Jet Ski: 24 Countries !


I am working on a project described here at Home and I want to jet ski from Aruba to the US. I'm here to get a dose of reality that I cant get on PWC message boards from real navigators.

My plan is to ship a new jet ski to Aruba and travel counter clockwise North. This will be a world record.

I will carry some additional equipment beyond that required by the coast guard such as a plb, gps, compass, vhf, ect as described on website. I'll carry an additional 15 gallons of fuel in 5 gal containers. PWC stock holds 18 gallons. 7mpg. Largest open water distance DR to Turks. I'll carry at least 1 gallon of water. and have a few snacks on board as well.

Here are my questions...

#1 FEASIBILITY>Anybody see this as undoable? Why? What alterations should I do to make it happen?

#2 GAS>Will I have any trouble getting gas? Yamaha uses reg unleaded, seadoo premium

#3 SLEEPING>Where to sleep, do you think I can get people in the marinas to offer me a berth for a night or two while I am at each marina?

#4 Parts. Any guess as to how to get parts while underway?

#5 Theft. Will I need to stay at marinas to keep my machine from disappearing? I'll have a cable lock. And machine has electronic key fob for starter control. I've been unable to get insurance-so when its gone its gone.

#6 Marinas. Can I expect to just show up at marinas...seeing I'm on a PWC? I'm guessing I'm small enough where I should fit just about anywhere? What do you think I will pay for transit fees? What's a shower generally cost?

#7 What's a sailor got to tell a jet skier? Response to this question requires assistance to another question.. Call it constructive criticism.

#8 I have gotten permission from BVI government for going through their waters. Any other places people know where jet skiis are not permitted in the Caribbean?

What else did I forget? -that not here or on the website

Much appreciated...And hoping for not to much unwarranted ridicule.

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Old 26-04-2011, 21:25   #2
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Re: Caribbean CRUISING ON A JET SKI-24 countries!

Welcome aboard, I think. My personal view of PWC is a bit biased. I think they should be banned from all anchorages and any other place where real boaters gather. They are noisy and create a lot of wake at slow speeds. My personal vote was that you should look at getting a sailboat.
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Old 26-04-2011, 21:29   #3
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Re: Caribbean CRUISING ON A JET SKI-24 countries!

Go for it, it's your life do as you please--keep us posted
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Old 26-04-2011, 21:45   #4
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Re: Caribbean CRUISING ON A JET SKI-24 countries!

Originally Posted by Lancerbye View Post
Welcome aboard, I think. My personal view of PWC is a bit biased. I think they should be banned from all anchorages and any other place where real boaters gather. They are noisy and create a lot of wake at slow speeds. My personal vote was that you should look at getting a sailboat.
Thanks for your comment, I'm sure your message is similar to what others might post. I (probably set this thread up for failure with my poll) However, I'm really hoping for some substantiated advise here and that the sailors here can shed some help. It will be interesting to see if responses show fostering of a decent community and help or just ignorance. I plan on posting a message to my fellow PWCers on other PWC forums about the kind of people and help I found here.

NEW PWC's like the Yamaha VXR are 4 stroke and much more environmentally friendly than in the past. And I will get 7mpg, better than sailors here having to turn their engines on.
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Old 26-04-2011, 21:52   #5
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Re: Caribbean CRUISING ON A JET SKI-24 countries!

what's the longest crossing you have done on a PWC so far?

I am sure it is feasible. Many moons ago there was a guy by name of Rene Bricka, who essentially walked across Atlantic on a set of "floats". PWC would be a step up
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Old 26-04-2011, 22:04   #6
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Re: Caribbean CRUISING ON A JET SKI-24 countries!

You should research customs, immigration and charges for all the islands and countries you will pass through. Depending on the route could be 17-18 countries. Each will require you clear customs including submitting registration for the vessel. Many will charge, as much as $100-$200. A good place to check all this is

Since your range is limited you will need to stop pretty much every country and island on the way. No chance to bypass any of the trouble spots, and there are some. For one, the coast of Venezuela has had a crime problem the last few years and a number of boaters have been robbed and even a couple of killings. Some of the islands are a bit touchy as well. Again noonsite will help with this.

Then there's the time factor. If the seas get too rough you will be stuck where ever you are at the time, possibly for days even weeks.

Gas should be available most places until you get to the south Bahamas. Some of the islands are barely settled so some careful planning will be required there. Since your tank size is relatively small you could haul it from across the island if you have to.

Good luck.
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Old 26-04-2011, 22:31   #7
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Re: Caribbean CRUISING ON A JET SKI-24 countries!

Originally Posted by skipmac View Post
You should research customs, immigration and charges for all the islands and countries you will pass through. Depending on the route could be 17-18 countries. Each will require you clear customs including submitting registration for the vessel. Many will charge, as much as $100-$200. A good place to check all this is

Since your range is limited you will need to stop pretty much every country and island on the way. No chance to bypass any of the trouble spots, and there are some. For one, the coast of Venezuela has had a crime problem the last few years and a number of boaters have been robbed and even a couple of killings. Some of the islands are a bit touchy as well. Again noonsite will help with this.

Then there's the time factor. If the seas get too rough you will be stuck where ever you are at the time, possibly for days even weeks.

Gas should be available most places until you get to the south Bahamas. Some of the islands are barely settled so some careful planning will be required there. Since your tank size is relatively small you could haul it from across the island if you have to.

Good luck.
Thanks for your post
It has been suggested I go during hurricane season as the seas will be calmer (except during the huriccane).. What do you think?

I found no vessel registration cost info on noonsite...any guess where to look

Can I out run the pirates on the PWC?

Will the Pwc be safe at marina?
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Old 26-04-2011, 22:55   #8
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Re: Caribbean CRUISING ON A JET SKI-24 countries!

Based on how I've watched people refuel jet skis, how will you refuel out in open ocean with rough wave action? Maybe you need to engineer something that doesn't require taking off jerry can lids and opening tank fills.

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Old 26-04-2011, 23:01   #9
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Re: Caribbean CRUISING ON A JET SKI-24 countries!

Originally Posted by cal40john View Post
Based on how I've watched people refuel jet skis, how will you refuel out in open ocean with rough wave action? Maybe you need to engineer something that doesn't require taking off jerry can lids and opening tank fills.

I have been considering using an agricultural 15 gallon sprayer as it already has a pump built in. Also have tried to find someone to make a tank i could put in front storage area and then just run a extra pump needed. However this extra 60 pounds in the front might cause it to plow.
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Old 26-04-2011, 23:02   #10
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Re: Caribbean CRUISING ON A JET SKI-24 countries!

Originally Posted by halsar View Post
#8 I have gotten permission from BVI government for going through their waters. Any other places people know where jet skiis are not permitted in the Caribbean?
I am disappointed that the BVI would suspend its PWC ban in order to permit such a stunt to take place in their waters. Why? So that a lone jet skier can get his name into a record book? Let's hope that the BVI authorities are at least wise enough to require that halsar's vessel stay out of the anchorages frequented by the cruising community.
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Old 26-04-2011, 23:34   #11
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Re: Caribbean CRUISING ON A JET SKI-24 countries!

I have a Kawasaki dual sport motorcycle (dirt,road) that I love to ride on the weekend in Northern Michigan. One day I thought I'd ride it back to my home down south, an easy 2 1/2 hour ride. If I could have kicked myself halfway home I would have. The non-stop noise and wind combined with a bike not really made to ride that long in one stretch enjoyably sucked.

What you enjoy about pwc riding will probably not happen on this trip. Your going to be rushed and everything will be a pain in the rear. Danger? sure that will be a factor. What I see you missing is the fun of the trip. If you want to set an epic adventure never done before on a pwc, why not build a ramp and try to jump it off Niagara Falls?

I really don't want to be negative on your vision because I have one and want to follow it also. Again, I'd be worried you won't in the end, enjoy it.
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Old 27-04-2011, 03:48   #12
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Re: Cruising Caribbean on a Jet Ski: 24 countries!

There was a guy who posted here a while back who wanted to paddle his kayak from Miami to Trinidad. You seem a lot more prepared than he was.

I guess my big question is, have you ever run your jet ski in the conditions you're likely to encounter in the Caribbean? For instance, the 30-40 nm passages between some of the islands you will often see 6-8' steep waves and 20-25 kt winds. The waves in certain areas can be confused--coming from different directions and slamming you from the side.

I've never even sat on a jet ski, much less driven one, but I can imagine the nose of the thing punching into those boxy waves and green water hitting you in the chest. You'd be down to 3-4 kts at best, which would make for a long, exhausting day. In my 39' sailboat, motor-sailing into stuff like that, the bow would be pitching 10-12' in the air and we'd have heavy spray coming all the way back to the cockpit and green water running down the deck.

Your toughest legs will be from Aruba to Barbados--against the wind, waves and current. If you can make it that far, you've probably got it knocked. Do think about personal security along the Venezuelan coast. There've been a number of instances of violent crime against boaters in recent years.
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Old 27-04-2011, 04:36   #13
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pirate Re: Cruising Caribbean on a Jet Ski: 24 countries!

Originally Posted by halsar View Post

I am working on a project described here at Home and I want to jet ski from Aruba to the US. I'm here to get a dose of reality that I cant get on PWC message boards from real navigators.

My plan is to ship a new jet ski to Aruba and travel counter clockwise North. This will be a world record.

I'd change the start point to Trinidad

I will carry some additional equipment beyond that required by the coast guard such as a plb, gps, compass, vhf, ect as described on website. I'll carry an additional 15 gallons of fuel in 5 gal containers. PWC stock holds 18 gallons. 7mpg. Largest open water distance DR to Turks. I'll carry at least 1 gallon of water. and have a few snacks on board as well.

Here are my questions...

#1 FEASIBILITY>Anybody see this as undoable? Why? What alterations should I do to make it happen?

Yes its doable... have ridden the Yamaha 750 3seaters when running a beach concession... great bikes and capable of upto 50+kts in good to fair conditions

#2 GAS>Will I have any trouble getting gas? Yamaha uses reg unleaded, seadoo premium

Probably the Bahamas

#3 SLEEPING>Where to sleep, do you think I can get people in the marinas to offer me a berth for a night or two while I am at each marina?

Why not just carry a sleeping bag and crash on the jetty... done that a few times in the past...

#4 Parts. Any guess as to how to get parts while underway?

Have a set up with a supplier you can e-mail and he can Fed ex them overnight maybe

#5 Theft. Will I need to stay at marinas to keep my machine from disappearing? I'll have a cable lock. And machine has electronic key fob for starter control. I've been unable to get insurance-so when its gone its gone.

You don't need to but I would advise it on some islands

#6 Marinas. Can I expect to just show up at marinas...seeing I'm on a PWC? I'm guessing I'm small enough where I should fit just about anywhere? What do you think I will pay for transit fees? What's a shower generally cost?

Yes most folks do just show up at Marinas and your small enough to be no hassle... showers usually come with the price of the berth

#7 What's a sailor got to tell a jet skier? Response to this question requires assistance to another question.. Call it constructive criticism.

Don't buzz us... we don't think your sexy and dislike shitting ourselves as we and our kids swim of the stern of the boat

#8 I have gotten permission from BVI government for going through their waters. Any other places people know where jet skiis are not permitted in the Caribbean?

Nope... my bike experience was in the Med

What else did I forget? -that not here or on the website

Some cans of Red Bull.....

Much appreciated...And hoping for not to much unwarranted ridicule.

Best of luck mate....
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Old 27-04-2011, 04:36   #14
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Re: Cruising Caribbean on a Jet Ski: 24 countries!

I think the key will be organisation. or winging it and hoping the gods smile on you

my guess is that the answers to your questions will only become apparent once you have arrived. one of the downsides to being first I guess In your shoes I would try and line up contacts in every destination, for a beer and moral support - and also some local knowledge / assistance, and maybe even on some passages that could extend into providing an escort, whether an Armada of PWC's or simply a trailing RIB or sportsboat - carrying the Beer and BBQ

On the practical side, i would get some training in on similar length legs in your home waters - including in less than perfect conditions.

Keep us posted
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Old 27-04-2011, 04:49   #15
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wear a kidney belt
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