a lot of years ago - when i was in grad
school - i was required to read the book "limits to growth" which if i remembered had the basic premise that the world could not support added population as if growth were not limited then the world
food supply could not support the population, that pollution would become so bad that all the
water would be unfit to drink ect ect --
it had a basic flaw in that it used liner analysis and did not account for improvements in technology or anything else -
God created us in an amazing way that allows us to use our free will to not only improve ourselves but the earth as a whole -
there will always be good times and bad times - right now are not good times and could get better or worse - as a full time cruiser i am not fearful of pirates as it is far more dangerous in downtown
miami or
new york or boston or charleston than many other places in the world - like those cities you can avoid the dangerous areas - there are other places to go -
as for global warming - who knows - there are scienists on both sides of the case and only God knows what the real story is
have faith - go sailing - join the crusing
family - and enjoy life as it is amazingly short -
chuck patty and svsoulmates
on a
mooring key biscayne - outbound april 1 - headed eastward