Originally Posted by FxdGrMind
"Quit work??? are you nuts".. "we worked untill we were 71".. "You can't possibly"... " Wake up Mr"... "stop dreaming and grow up"...
I don't need much and I will have saved enough for the boat and a nice nest egg to manage and live off of. All else will be paid in full over a year before I Quit work (18 months off)...
But the recent events, such as the BP oil issue, Market turmoil, Euro and $ instability, Governement overspending and my little voice in my head is screaming at me saying this is 1980 all over again.. Inflation will reach double digits by the time you hit the seas...
Ok, I'm gainfully employed and an additional year would add to the Pirate Chest by 20%... and every year after it would grow by nearly 30%.
So how do you determine... the BINGO... date?
If you have a nice nest egg, inflation of double digits should be welcome. In 1980 I thought that if I had a million dollars I would never have to work again. 10% return on $1m is $100k per year. Now you get 2% or less and with $1m in the bank that isn't enough to live comfortably (in Kalifornia). On a boat I could do it though. As long as it was paid for.
"I'd rather die when I'm living then live while I'm dead," Jimmy Buffet
Fair Winds,
Between us there was, as I have already said somewhere, the bond of the sea. Besides holding our hearts together through long periods of separation, it had the effect of making us tolerant of each other's yarns -- and even convictions. Heart of Darkness
Joseph Conrad