25-06-2007, 23:58
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I see a few people call themselves Captain at the end of their posts or even their usernames. Does that mean they have some sort of qualification that enables them to call themselves that or are they just like Pirate Captain Jack Sparrow and to hell with the rules???
26-06-2007, 01:08
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I've wondered that as well. I have also wondered about the use of the word "skipper". Here in NZ, you need a qual. to become a skipper. But you are also "skippering" a vessel when in command of it. So when in Command, are you called a skipper.
For God so loved the world..........He didn't send a committee.
26-06-2007, 01:12
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I reckon these Yanks like to give themselves flash titles Admiral Wheeler Sir.
Nuffin but a bunch of heavin savages are we.....
26-06-2007, 01:16
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Aye and the wenches bare foot in the galley bringin beer, arrrrr
For God so loved the world..........He didn't send a committee.
26-06-2007, 01:18
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Oh heck, don't let Paula see that comment, she'll wack me one.
For God so loved the world..........He didn't send a committee.
26-06-2007, 01:23
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Well most of the yanks are asleep so I'll guess.
Folks who get the USCG master 100 Ton license call themselves captain.
In flying achieving the FAA qualification of ATP (Airline Transport Pilot) also allows you to call yourself captain. Lesser pilots are just pilots...
I guess people who are in the army, navy or air force who have the rank of captain can also call themselves captain - go figure.
26-06-2007, 01:23
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She aint a working anymore. She'll do as a she's told....Ayeeee
26-06-2007, 01:26
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You done your boatmasters yet Alan? I reckon Boatmaster Wheeler has a certain appeal to it. Easy to get but means sod all.
I guess people who are in the army, navy or air force who have the rank of captain can also call themselves captain
I got to Constable. Don't have a nautical ring to it though
26-06-2007, 01:33
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I'd tell you what my wife calls me sometimes but this is a PG forum. It's got a ring to it but it ain't nautical.
She usually uses that pet name when we are at sea and I have said something brilliant like, "Of course, honey. When at sea the law requires me to be in charge of my ship and all hands upon her. Now go down and get me another beer bofore I keel haul you." <whack>
26-06-2007, 03:05
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Over here the word "Skipper" has no formal meaning (as far as I am aware) and is usually used to denote who is in charge of a pleasure boat.
Whereas as of course Captain can be the result of being qualified...........but is also just used in the same way as Skipper especially when dealing with foreign officials as it is a term that is easily understood as meaning the person responsible for the vessel.
IME neither of which terms are used by anyone when on board, just when dealing with 3rd parties to identify the "Boss", not used as a formal title! But of course it may be that I am just not invited aboard those pleasure vessels where these titles are always used!
I too have noticed the number of folk who use the Title on the Internet (not just here), not something that I would do as it sounds to me a little bit pompous, but I figure that cultural norms vary so I do not sweat it.
On a similar vein I always find it strange and amusing that retired Army folk still like to be refferred to using their former titles, to me once you stop your former employment then you are no longer either a Bank Manager, a Window Cleaner or a General..........
26-06-2007, 03:08
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I had an argument with a particularly obnoxious tosser on another forum who called himself "captain", turns out he had the boatmaster ticket and was advertising for international deliveries. Funnily enough, I had rejected the guy previously for a crew position on a coastal delivery because of his attitude.
I have no problem with the monniker for usernames but get pissed off when they call themselves that in real life (hell, some of them have it in the phone book)
The only captain I respected when I worked for in the cargo trade insisted on being called by his christian name. He earned his respect by his abilities not his title.
Yours Sincerely
"Engineer" Pete
26-06-2007, 05:10
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Good Morning (Evening), Kiwis!
Yes, us Yanks do use the term Captain and Skipper without any proof or qualification at all. It's true.
You can sit there in a big old house boat at the dock (after having bought it last week and not having been on the water once in your life) and people will still call you captain or skipper. The "title" is applied to the boat owner, especially one that has just bought a new boat and is showing it off.
This change is due to the fact that being a licensed captain is not looked upon very favorably by the general public here, as it once was many years ago. Boat in general are not significant in the culture and are though of in a nostalgic way. They are often a fantasy, rather than a reality, so when someone calls another "captain" at a dock, they usually are just playing into the "captain's" fantasy of being a man of the sea.
Here, you have to be more specific and list off your Master's (or Six Pack or Able Seaman or STCW) qualifications specifically, which makes us sound a bit like jack*sses, but there is no other way to convey that you have days at sea, training and have passed the exams.
26-06-2007, 05:55
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In the US I believe the captain term is applied as a courtesy. Even though the captain may not be speciifically licensed (6-pack, etc) the captain is fully responsbile for ship operations and can be tried under the maritime courts. I don't think the phrase 'well I am not a licenced captain' will get the resposbile party out of an international maritime court if something goes wrong.
Every where we went in the Caribe the navies, customs, and imagrations officals of the various countries also referred to the the leader or "boss" of the boat as captain.
So when on my boat call be Cap Bil and when I am off just call me "hey you"
Captain Bil formerly of sv Makai -- KI4TMM
The hunt for the next boat begins.
26-06-2007, 06:18
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To my ear, calling myself Captain sounds pretentious, but it is common at marinas, on the VHF, etc, to refer to the operator of a vessel as Captain.
In yachting, Captain is an “honorary” title. The USCG license for Merchant Marine Officers designates us as either Operators (Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels) or Masters (Master of Steam Motor or Auxiliary Sail Vessels). Unfortunately, the general public has little knowledge of these titles and calling one’s self Master sounds even more pretentious than Captain.
Thus, I have business cards identifying me as Captain. It seems to be the norm for those of us trying to add to the cruising kitty by doing deliveries, etc.
Do I have qualifications? Yes. Do they designate me as Captain? No. They designate me a Master (gee what if my last name was Bates).
Skipper is non-specific and not an official title in any organization as far as I know. Military Captains get called that as they do “The Old Man” although most are anything but old. The operator of any boat may be called Skipper. It doesn’t seem as pretentious (yeah, I know I’m beating that word to death, but it fits).
Yacht clubs designate officers as Captain and/or Commodore. I get a kick out of our little club as they refer to each other as Vice Commodore Frick, Fleet Captain Frack, etc.
If you visit any marine store, you will find caps, shirts, and the like, all bearing the title Captain. It seems to fulfill some fantasy to be the captain of your own vessel. Thus you may find people calling themselves Captain whose qualifications amount to owning something that floats.
She took my address and my name
Put my credit to shame
Sunspot Baby, sure had a real good time
Bob Seger
26-06-2007, 07:30
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Hi,I'm captain Johny Howard.I don't own a boat per se',but apparently,I'm GIRT by sea????.
If ya think captains are a problem on forums because they might not have the Qualifications,try putting in seafox as a name.Try putting in something like ,upmiarse235,and chance's are it's been taken.
First in ,best dressed.Sailing sites are full of "Captain's and Admirals".Some people are known by thier boat name, bendy-toe e.c.t.(Thanks for that one Tony).Go with the flow,who really cares.Mudnut.
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