Originally Posted by KestrelBuck
Why don't you connect with the crew doing the OpenCPN project? It sounds challenging and what they have done so far is really useful.
As is typically the problem with open source, there's no
money in it. Whatever I decide to do, whether it's
boating related or not, the project needs to generate a profit. I'm not at the point where I can retire and have hobbies just yet.
That said, developing add-ons for open source is sometimes profitable. A colleague suggested an idea for an OpenCPN add-in component. I'm not sure if there is any
money in it yet. I would need to subscribe to a data provider, process that data, and graphically present the result in an OpenCPN overlay. To cover the cost of my subscription to the data provider, I'd then have to charge a fee for my
service and to make a profit.
Then, the other problem with open source, once I release my component, others are free to (and typically will) create their own component that does the same thing, except accessing a free, lower quality data source, and give that component away for free.