Originally Posted by SVNeko
and.... what was in it? Sheesh
It was interesting. Very romantic...
It was written on the back of a cargo and weapons declaration from Hamburg dated 2001 (we found it 2009) so it was from a cargos ship's officer probably using old forms as scrap paper. He would have thrown it into the Pacifc somewhere and we found it on Lizard island a
remote island high up in the
Great Barrier Reef.
It says:
all my Love to
irish Woman fm Dublin
(signature unreadable)
[sic capitalisations]
I think he met her somewhere and fell in love and was putting that love in the bottle to send it who knows where. A sailors reality of sailing the world and meeting people you will never see again.
I haven't tried to contact either as its private and I don't know his name.
The bottle was not well sealed, just the normal cap, so I dont think he expected it to last.
Its a very sweet note and bottle and I treasure the note as a cruising memory.