We are currenly anchored at Solomons. It's a friendly town with stores within dinghy/walking distance (very important in my opinion!). Woodburns grocery is a nice meeting place for liveaboards (they gather daily at around 8AM). I'm sure there have to be some waitressing jobs somewhere there. Back Creek in
Annapolis is also a nice anchorage. A big grocery store/plaza is a 20 minute walk from there.
All I know is right now it's hotter than the blazes here and not getting any better!
We anchored in DC in the
Washington Channel. It's about 20' deep and we
rode out a hellish storm one night and I have no idea how we didn't drag! The Capital Yacht Club will give you full priveleges and a spot to
dock your
dinghy for $15.00/day (you don't have to go there everyday though! this is only when you need it. They also host spaghetti dinners, Friday night get togethers etc... Ice is $1.00/bag and
laundry is $1.00 per wash and dry. Super nice place and people!
Good Luck!