I'm still building my first boat, a
trimaran. Looking at the aerial Plan View one day I was struck by how like a
Water Strider it appears - long 'legs' out to the side and wide flat 'feet'....and multis are fast and 'flit' across the
water, like a Strider.
Initially, being a Tolkien fan, I was tempted by Aragorn (aka Strider), or even Telcontar, his Numenorean
family name, but after the movies I figured people might expect the
skipper to be a handsome warrior.....Doh.
So I looked up water striders and discovered there are terrestrial and also pelagic species (marine) and their genus is Halobates....which didn't
work for me...but one of the species, which inhabits the coastal waters of
Australia and the
South Pacific where I'll be sailing was
Halobates Sericeus.
Sericeus comes from the Latin and means 'silky or satiny surface, soft and shiny, covered with glossy down' and refers to the fluffy hairs on its feet which spread its body mass and enable it to scuttle about on the meniscus, or skin, on the surface of the water.
If you look hard at the pic, you can (maybe) see the
trimaran I can see.