We quit our jobs and careers today. The house closes in two weeks and we still have piles of stuff to get rid of and more piles to get on the
boat. The house seems to have gotten bigger and the
boat smaller. By this weekend, we will have
sold, given away or thrown out everything we own except the boat, its
equipment and a small amount of
clothing and personal items.
Never thought it would be so hard to get rid of everything. Not sentimentally hard - just a lot of truckloads to the dump, coordinating with people to come and buy stuff, packing things for mailing, etc. If anyone is thinking of doing this, start getting rid of your stuff now no matter how long in the future you will be taking off. I swear the crap keeps multiplying every time I get rid of a pile.
Anyway, one thing is concrete: by October 1 we will be unemployed and homeless and heading into a new life.