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Old 04-07-2016, 05:33   #61
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The hook of Sausalito!

. .
"The only noble thing a man can do with money is to build a schooner." Robert Louis Stevenson
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Old 04-07-2016, 07:22   #62
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Re: The hook of Sausalito!

My boat, the boat itself?? Is in awesome shape. Yes it could use a good bottom cleaning and paint. It could also use a new prop and at least 1 transducer.

However that would not really be a huge problem. I could do all of that myself inside of a month on the hard, with what I have in my pocket.

That money WAS going to be used to pay rent months in advance (if needed), while I found work. If I found work quickly it was going to be used for the bottom job and prop/transducer.

Unless you get VERY close, my rigging looks fine. I could put up sails and cross the bay if I needed to. The previous owner actually did it all the time. PERSONALLY,.. I think changing it out first is a FAR better plan. I can read the logs and see it's ancient. So YES I need new standing rigging (I'm also fully capable of replacing it MYSELF).

As for what I had planned for my dogs while I was at work? I hadn't figured that out quite yet. Currently I take them to work WITH me. That has been the way for years. My older dog Scuff is 14, he really isn't long for the world. Hoshi is 12, and in better condition. However again,.. she's 12. Maybe a few years left in her at best. My plan has always been to sail away when they move on. :'-(

I have always hoped that the boat would be done before they pass away.

So. right now I am trying to find the answer. The plan was NEVER to leave my dogs in the boat all day. I'd sooner take them to work, or get a sitter/service to watch them.

As for why my current marina company hasn't offered me a live aboard slip? Well they kind of did,.. Back when they were assuming a successful take over of the entire cove! They flat out told me that once the expansion happened they would offer me a slip. Otherwise the one and only, same guy has been living there the entire time I've been keeping my boat there. The ONLY live aboard in that marina, and he works there.

I've seen a few transient boats with live aboards. I have no idea how long each one stays. They are never there, when I get back.

I see my options right now as:
1. Get another apartment here in Colorado, where it's cheap and I can have two jobs.
2. Go drop anchor out there (Looks to be a logistics and theft nightmare).
3. Haul the boat and make it consistently mobile and smooth. (cruise/transient slips)
4. Sell the boat and go buy one in Texas (where living on your boat isn't a problem).

I haven't decided my move yet. I packed to leave. Moved out of the home I was in, and need somewhere to live. So I'm trying to find the answers.

Thank you all for the information!
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Old 04-07-2016, 07:31   #63
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Re: The hook of Sausalito!

Originally Posted by sailorchic34 View Post
The OP mentioned that he will take the boat sailing lots. Harbor masters hear the word "Liveaboard" and they assume the boat will be used as a floating home only, that NEVER leaves the dock Most liveaboards in marina's rarely goes anywhere. Least wise for the marinas I've visited.

So if the OP were to show that he uses the boat on the weekends ( at least every other week if not more, more is better), many harbor masters in the bay area (not all) will look more kindly to the OP living aboard / cruising.

Marina's are full of boats and people that never go anywhere. Sort of the land of broken dreams and sometimes a bit depressing. For the OP having a clean boat that is used lots, that is leaves the dock for the weekend or longer, will make the harbor master a bit more receptive to the OP living aboard.

As markperce mentioned, cruisers do stay for many months at a time and sometimes years as a transient. Much easier and for some marinas not much more cost then a slip + liveaboard fee.

Myself, well my anchor light has been on for 3 months now (well at night anyway). I find being anchored hither and yon far more enjoyable then being at a marina.
I look forward to leaving the slip on weekends. Go find a nice anchorage and do some fishing. It sounds wonderful!

However as we've all decided. I need to haul, paint and replace my prop and transducers. Then moving around regularly (Even if it's NOT under sail) will be doable.

I did not buy this boat, so it could be a house. I bought it to sail, and cruise! It's very difficult to do all those little jobs the boat needs from 1200+ miles away.
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Old 04-07-2016, 11:57   #64
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Re: The hook of Sausalito!

With the OP wanting to work in the southbay, its going to be a bit tough. There is a commuter train available from emeryville to SJ. I know a few folks who found a liveaboard slip there. The problem is the two dogs.

I hate to say it but texas might be easier. Unless you can find a job you can do from the boat. That's how I do it. Work and live from the boat, where ever it is.
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Old 04-07-2016, 12:16   #65
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Re: The hook of Sausalito!

Originally Posted by sailorchic34 View Post
With the OP wanting to work in the southbay, its going to be a bit tough. There is a commuter train available from emeryville to SJ. I know a few folks who found a liveaboard slip there. The problem is the two dogs.

I hate to say it but texas might be easier. Unless you can find a job you can do from the boat. That's how I do it. Work and live from the boat, where ever it is.
I don't need to work in the South Bay. It would be great if I could get down south. However the manufacturing jobs have spread all over the bay. Even a little bit North of the bay. Oakland area is thick with them. The Delta, Antioch, Pittsburg, and Oakley areas?? Not so much!

The issue with job hunting has been, not having a stable place. Anchorage hopping leaves my Pickup truck all over town all the time. Sausalito is sounding like a crime riddled pain in the butt. Living in Colorado makes face to face marina searching difficult.

I'd think changing marinas every month or three could be a fun way to really know the bay. I could take public transportation to go get my truck every month or three too.

I do think making the boat fully and completely movement ready and smooth on the bottom. is a great plan to start with.

The fact is, I could afford the haul out and bottom work right now.

Then I'd need a little more for a few months of slip fees (which I do not currently have).

So there's the answer. I need more money, and should get a place to live here while I save for that! (WAY to expensive out there!!)

See Ya'll in a few months, or six! lol
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Old 04-07-2016, 13:01   #66
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Re: The hook of Sausalito!

Originally Posted by Vancefish View Post
I don't need to work in the South Bay. It would be great if I could get down south. However the manufacturing jobs have spread all over the bay. Even a little bit North of the bay. Oakland area is thick with them. The Delta, Antioch, Pittsburg, and Oakley areas?? Not so much!

The issue with job hunting has been, not having a stable place. Anchorage hopping leaves my Pickup truck all over town all the time. Sausalito is sounding like a crime riddled pain in the butt. Living in Colorado makes face to face marina searching difficult.

I'd think changing marinas every month or three could be a fun way to really know the bay. I could take public transportation to go get my truck every month or three too.

I do think making the boat fully and completely movement ready and smooth on the bottom. is a great plan to start with.

The fact is, I could afford the haul out and bottom work right now.

Then I'd need a little more for a few months of slip fees (which I do not currently have).

So there's the answer. I need more money, and should get a place to live here while I save for that! (WAY to expensive out there!!)

See Ya'll in a few months, or six! lol
For some reason from your other post about bottom issues and not able to sail at all I thought the boat wasn't in good shape. So it can sail? that's great. You'll have a good time marina-hopping and no problems if you're moving sufficiently often and the dogs aren't left alone on the boat. There are many, many liveaboards who do leave their dogs alone on the boat and, as you can imagine, it can lead to problems with unhappy whines, barks, as well as messes on the deck while the owner is gone. Glad you won't be doing that.

There are tons of jobs in the Bay area and you ARE likely to find better ones on the Peninsula or South Bay. Oakland and southwards are your best bets for flexibility. If you're seeking a San Jose job, you CAN easily commute from Pillar Point Harbor (Half Moon Bay) and I know many, many people who do it. There is no limit on liveaboards in that marina and you may well find a good dog-sitter. It's a nice community. Not in the Bay but may well suit your purposes.
"The only noble thing a man can do with money is to build a schooner." Robert Louis Stevenson
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