Location: Port Ludlow, WA (NW corner of Puget Sound)
Boat: 30' William Atkin cutter
Posts: 1,496
Sea-Swing stove canister what/where
I have an Sea-Swing stove, aluminuim frame with a propane burner and threads (male) to take a canister, problem is all the fuel canisters I can find have male threads. Does anyone know the type of bottle that Sea-Swing stoves take.An adapter of some sort would also be acceptable.
It sounds like your Sea Swing has either been adapted or was originally designed to connect to a standard Propane tank via hose. Have you thought of taking your stove to BBQ supply store or Home Depot and see if it fits. Or if you have a BBQ in the backyard you could try that fitting.
Location: Port Ludlow, WA (NW corner of Puget Sound)
Boat: 30' William Atkin cutter
Posts: 1,496
My "backyard" is my quarter deck and the BBQ uses a standard green spin-on canister (Dickinson "Sea-B-Que". I'll take it with me next time I go to a Home Depot of such (local hardware stores had nothing).